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Looking forward

The cider revolution is not a brand or a person. It's a movement driven by passionate cider people. If we want to make the most of this revolution of ours we need to work together.

Nordic Craft Cider Symposium

In the summer of 2023 we invited all our friends and partners to start a common path for Nordic partnerships in the present and the future. We did a seminar with workshops and speakers. It was a rewarding day where we could identify both the challenges and the opportunities ahead.

The participants where both from organizations focused on craft cider and producers thereof.  Representatives from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Latvia and Italy was present.
Eleanor Leger from Eden Ice Cider in Vermont, USA shared her experiences as a founding member and president of the American Cider Association.

We shared some terrific meals and wonderful ciders over the rewarding 24 hours and made new friends and new connections.

All this would not have been possile without the generous support of Leader Södermanland, Jordbruksverket, Co-funded by the European Union.

A huge thank you to everyone who participated. Together we will bring craft cider to its full potential.

Made possible by teh support from:



For questions about this project and it's future. Please contact Johan.

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